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Mimmo’s @ Governor Mifflin Intermediate School

Please share our Meal PopUp link with your friends & neighbors who also would enjoy a night off from cooking! The more meals ordered, the more we raise. Help us spread the word!

Date: Thursday, October 12th
Pick up time: 5:15-5:30pm

Location: Governor Mifflin Intermediate School/ 600 Governor Dr, Shillington, PA 19607
Host: Heather Brady /
Fundraiser: Pick your GM Elementary School PTO at checkout (Brecknock, Mifflin Park, Cumru, or GMIS)
Order Due Date: Wednesday 10/11 by 9:00pm

Menu Questions? Contact Mike at Mimmo’s 610-373-2800

*Click HERE to order. (Be sure to select the right date/location at checkout.)

October 11

Klinger’s @ Lorane Elementary School

October 17

Nonno Alby’s @ Met-Ed Harvest For Hunger Campaign