How does a Meal PopUp Fundraiser work for a Fundraising Organization?

  • Fundraising Organizations receive a percentage of each meal sold as a donation.

    1. Net Total Donation Earnings (effective September 4th, 2024).

      • 5% Donation for less than $500 & pick up from restaurant required.

      • 5% Donation for $501-$999. Pick up from the restaurant required unless you have submitted proof of at least 10 required promotional activities.

      • 10% Donation for $1000-$1999. Restaurant will deliver & do distribution. *Plus a Free Meal for host if all required promotional steps were completed.

      • 15% Donation for $2000+. Restaurant will deliver & do distribution. *Plus a Free Meal for host.

  • Fundraising Organizations should aim to get 30 meals sold. This is when you earn a solid amount of funds and earn a free meal! It’s a good idea to have 10 supporters help you plan the PopUp date, restaurant, etc. who plan to purchase a meal. Teamwork makes the dream work!

  • To get set up Fundraising Organizations must choose a date (Tues, Wed, or Thurs only), a restaurant, and a 15 minute pick up window. We have 5 main partner restaurants to choose from: (Click to view their PopUp Menus)

    • Klinger's at the Airport

      • All of your favorites are available to build your own meal! Burgers, Vegetarian options, salads, delicious dinner platters, wings, chili, soups, and more! Great for individuals as well as large families. Lots of options!

      • View their Meal PopUp menu.

    • Mimmo's Family Restaurant

      • All of your favorite Italian Dishes available in both individual and family size meals.

      • View their Meal PopUp menu.

    • Crave Café

      • Delicious home cooked meals, soups, and salads served with dessert! Stock on on extra quarts of soup and sides for lunches throughout the week too! Available on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Crave Café welcomes your organization to host your PopUp at their café in Sinking Spring if you are in need of a host location.

      • View their Meal PopUp menu.

    • Vincenzo's

      • All of your favorite Italian Dishes available in both individual and family size meals.

      • View their Meal PopUp menu.

    • Salute Ristorante

      • A huge variety of single individual sized meals plus Family Meal options for the whole family! Great for organizations with smaller family supporters or individuals who many live alone.

      • View their Meal PopUp menu.

When you are ready to start setting up your Meal PopUp Fundraiser, simply complete this form.

  • We will create a customized event page for each of your Meal PopUps which will also show on our online calendar after your organization approves the event links.

    • This customized page will make it easy to promote your fundraiser.

    • Remember, you are required to complete at least 10 of the promotional activities! (And you will want to, they make it easier to raise more funds! Plus you have the chance to earn a free meal for yourself!)

On the night of your Family Meal PopUp:

  • The restaurant will distribute the meals from their vehicle during the allotted 15 minute window. (Assuming you have surpassed $500 in net sales & completed at least 10 required promotion methods.)

  • We do require a volunteer from your organization to be on site with our restaurants. Likely, they won’t have to do anything at all except thank supporters. However, if a supporter runs late, the restaurant will give their meal to your volunteer to figure out the best way to deliver that meal.

    • Sometimes volunteers find it easier just to drop the meal off on their way home rather than wait. Other times, volunteers take the meal to their home and have the late supporter come to their home for pick up. It rarely happens, but it is good to have an idea of your plan in case it does!

Organizations find this to be the easiest fundraiser! Why? Because the only thing you really have to do for a successful event is promote the fundraiser by sharing your event link with all of your supporters.

Visit our tips & tricks page for promotion ideas & requirements.

Complete this form if you are interested in setting up a Meal PopUp Fundraiser.


Crave Café:


  • 10 order minimum

  • Maximum around 100 meals with a 30 minute PopUp (If you are expecting more than 100 meals, we can customize a plan with multiple pick up times to make it work!)

  • Available 2x per week on either a Wednesday or Thursday.

  • Host can earn a free meal!

Mimmo’s Family Restaurant


  • 10 order minimum

  • 120 meal maximum -with a 30 minute PopUp (If you are expecting more than 80 meals, we can customize a plan with multiple pick up times to make it work!)

  • Available every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

  • Offers pick up location at restaurant or your location

  • Host can earn a free meal!

Klinger’s at the Airport:


  • 10 order minimum

  • 40 meal maximum - For larger PopUps, we may extend the PopUp window to 30 minutes with 2 shifts. We can customize a plan with multiple pick up times to make it work!

  • Available every Wednesday & occasionally Thursdays.

  • Host can earn a free meal!

Salute Ristorante

Minimum Meals: 10 Family Meals 10 meal minimum

  • 10 meal minimum.

  • 80 meals maximum - with a 30 minute PopUp (If you are expecting more than 40 meals, we can customize a plan with multiple pick up times to make it work!)

  • Available every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

  • Host can earn a free meal!

Vincenzo's Restaurant Italiano

  • 10 meal minimum

  • 100 meals maximum - with a 30 minute PopUp (If you are expecting more than 50 meals, we can customize a plan with multiple pick up times to make it work!)

  • Available every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

  • Host can earn a free meal!

Plus you can always add Sweet Ride Ice Cream to your Meal PopUp for dessert! (link)